We started a website last year encouraging folks to seek out record shops in Mississippi and shop there. Buy records in our state! You can see that website here.
For Record Store Day (Saturday, April 22) we decided to print up some really nice, super limited to posters to help continue to spread the word about Mississippi record shops. The posters were screen-printed on heavy card-stock paper at Pollchaps right here in Mississippi.
These will be available at both shops–Oxford and Fondren–on Record Store Day in a limited edition of 75 prints. Each shop will have 75 hand-numbered posters, making the full run an edition of 150.
The poster will be $20 each. Profits from the sale of the poster will go towards furthering awareness of Mississippi’s record shops and the importance of the state’s cultural meeting places.
Poster was designed by Hayden Boyd.
visitmsrecordstores.com was designed by Confit.
You can find out more about our plans for Record Store Day here.